Pathways to Sustainable Aviation Fuels (North America Edition)

As the aviation industry looks towards its 2050 net-zero target, North America, particularly the US, has emerged as the undisputed leader in Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) production.

One of the main reasons for the rise of the North American SAF industry has been a supportive regulatory environment.

The US government’s ambitious SAF Grand Challenge aims for an annual production of 3 billion gallons by 2030, while Canada is implementing mandatory SAF blending requirements through its Clean Fuel Regulations.

Major airlines like United, Delta, and Air Canada have also made significant investments and commitments.

Produced in conjunction with SimpliFlying, this report outlines critical opportunities and challenges in the North American SAF industry, focusing especially on:

  • Exploring and analysing the hurdles in SAF adoption

  • The potential of e-fuels and their associated production costs and intensive energy requirements

  • Addressing the challenges in the current SAF landscape through supportive policies and incentives, offtakes, and innovative financing

  • Promoting SAF through a balance of immediate actions and long-term strategies, and effective collaboration and investments

  • Providing a comprehensive directory of North American SAF producers

Would you like hear directly from SimpliFlying, SAF producers, policymakers, airlines and more about the North American and Global SAF Landscape?


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